Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/477

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CAROLINE PARK 461 FOURTH PERIOD the Mackenzie crest, and the swan that of the Wemyss family, while the thistle and rose are introduced as symbols of Lord Tarbat's great aim, the Union of Scotland with England. The south front also exhibits, carved in stone, over the central window, the sun in full splendour, being the crest of the Mackenzies of Cromarty, and over the central dormer is the Macleod crest, the rock in flames, and the date, 1696. The new staircase seems only to have conducted to the private apartments in the south range. The state apartments would still be entered from the original staircase, which would be reached from the new front door by Fio. 895. Caroline Park. Staircase at South Side. passing across the courtyard. The chief object of the pavilions attached to the new south front was no doubt to produce effect in the elevation, but that at the south-east angle is made available as a private means of ingress and egress, and also probably as a speak-a-word room in con- nection with the room above, which seems to have been Lord Tarbat's dressing-room. The one at the south-west angle contains on the upper