Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/543

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WINTOUN HOUSE 527 FOURTH PERIOD young small babies/' says, "It is not unknown to your Lordships what extraordinair panes and cair my said umquhile spouse had and tuik upon the said wark thir diverse years bygone, and at the beginning thairof." . FIG. 951. Wintoun House. View from Modern Roof looking South-East. This was acknowledged by the Governors, who gave her 200 merks, " with the soume contenit in hir comp*, and to ressave frae hir the haill muildis and drauchtis the said umquhile William haid in his handis." All this seems to show that Wallace was something more than the