Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/61

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SPEDLIN S TOWER 45 FOURTH PERIOD century older than the last, which evidently belong to the beginning of the seventeenth century. FIG. 512. Udny Castle. West and South Elevations. The estate has been for centuries in the possession of the s Udny family, now represented by John Hay Udny, Esq. SPEDLIN'S TOWER, DUMFRIESSHIRE. Situated on the top of the rising ground on the right bank of the river Annan, and surrounded with ancient trees, this massive keep has a fine and impressive appearance. It is about 5j miles northwards from Lockerbie, and belongs to Sir Alexander Jardine of Jardine Hall, a fine mansion of the early part of the present century on the opposite side of the river. Spedlin's Tower is the ancient home of the Jardine family, and, as such, is kept in good repair by the present representative. In a panel near the top of the eastern side, is engraved the date of 1605, which is certainly the date of the upper part of the tower, but the two lower stories bear the marks of an earlier time. The castle is a parallelogram 46 feet long by 38 feet 6 inches wide (Fig. 513). The