Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/70

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FOURTH PERIOD DELGATY CASTLE the ribs springing from corbels in the angles, and the apex being orna- mented with a boss bearing the arms of the Hays of Errol, the former proprietors. This groined vaulting is quite a rare feature, but, as above explained, it probably formed an idea derived from the ecclesiastical revival which took place in the beginning of the seventeenth century. Over the fireplace of this room is the inscription : " 1570. I hope in ye Lord." The thick walls with square and arched recess for the window, the garde-robe adjoin- ing, and the wall chambers on each side of the large kitchen chimney, are all features indica- tive of the period. Delgaty is now the property of A. D. FIG. 519. Delgaty Castle. Plan. Ainslie, Esq. ABERGELDIE CASTLE, ABERDEENSHIRE. This castle, the Highland residence of the Prince of Wales, is beauti- Fio. 520. Abergeldie Castle. View from the North-East.