Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/79

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NIDDRIE MARISCHALL HOUSE 63 FOURTH PERIOD still exists. It is about 22 feet square, by about 50 feet high (Fig. 529), and has a platform roof arched with stone. The entrance was on the north side, and is concealed by the buttress shown on the sketch (Fig. 530), and is now built up. The buttress is of a later date. FIG. 530. Niddrie Marischall House. View from the North- West, and Details of Dormers. At the date last mentioned (1608) the estate passed back to the Wauchopes, in the person of Francis (afterwards Sir Francis), son of Archibald, he having married the daughter of Sir James Sandilands. He did not however recover the estate along with his wife, but had to