Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/81

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NIDDRIE MARISCHALL HOUSE FOURTH PERIOD Virgin Mary. Its history is a short one, extending only over 190 years, having been destroyed by an Edinburgh mob after they had wrecked Holyrood. From the background of a portrait in the dining-room we can form an idea of the appearance of Niddrie Marischall about that time, and see that the chapel was evidently somewhat like the interest- ing one at Craigmillar within sight of it. We also observe that the FIG. 531. Niddrie Marischall House. Top of Staircase. house had a great courtyard extending in front, with high walls, having arched entrance gateways, like those remaining at Midhope, Redhouse, and partly at Pinkie, and other places. The site of the chapel and churchyard attached is now enclosed with a railing, and contains a tomb-house with a vaulted roof, built about the beginning of last century. Inside is a tomb about 8 feet square by 3 feet high, with VOL. II. E