Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/86

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FOURTH PERIOD 70 ELSHIESHIELDS TOWER Amisfield, but in this case it is. not covered in. Access is obtained by a ladder from the attic of the staircase tower, and there is just room inside the turret for a watchman to stand and look about him. GROUND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR FIG. 535. Elshieshields Tower. Plans. This turret was no doubt originally provided with a beacon grating, the warning light from which would be seen for many miles round in that flat and marshy region. GYLEM CASTLE, KERRARA, ARGYLLSHIRE. This tower is situated at the southern extremity of the island of Kerrara, at a distance of about four miles from Oban. The first view of the castle on coming over the hills from the ferry, and looking down- wards, is most picturesque (Fig. 536), and a closer view of the building s FIG. 536. Gylem Castle. General View. does not dispel this impression. Gylem is, in its way, a little architectural gem, which, unfortunately, owing to neglect, is fast going to wreck and