Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/202

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rified thee thus, young woman? said the Marquis: Thou art safe here; be not alarmed. Oh! your Greatness is wonderfully good, said Bianca, but I dare not—no, pray, let me go—I had rather leave every thing behind me, than stay another hour under this roof. Go to, thou hast lost thy senses: Said Manfred. Interrupt us not; we were communing on important matters—my Lord, this wench is subject to fits—come with me, Bianca—oh! the Saints! no, said Bianca—for certain it comes to warn your Highness; why should it appear to me else? I say my prayers morning and evening—oh! if your Highness had believed Diego! 'Tis the same hand that he saw the foot to in the gallery-chamber—Father Jerome has often told us the prophecy would be out one of these days—Bianca, said he, mark my words—thou ravest; said Manfred in a rage; be gone, and keep these fooleries to frighten thy companions—what! my Lord, cried Bianca, do you think I have seen nothing? go to the foot of thegreat