Page:The church manual (Church of the Brethren 1916).djvu/43

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short, ranging from five to ten minutes. It may, at times, be profitable to divide the subject selected into parts, and assign them to different ones, that they may make special preparation, and in this way make the remarks more edifying. But, as a rule, it is better for all to study the whole lesson and then speak voluntarily as the Spirit prompts. The remarks may be profitably interspersed with singing, and continued until time for closing. The leader then announces a hymn, and after it is sung he calls on several to close in prayer.



The marriage relation is of Divine appointment, being instituted by God and recognized by Christ and his apostles. The power and wisdom of our Heavenly Father was not more strikingly displayed in the framing of the material universe, than in his plan of placing the inhabitants of the earth in families. The constitution of the sexes, and their mutual dependence upon each other, were, as our Savior clearly showed, de- signed and appointed from the beginning. Hence the sacredness of the marriage rela-