Bishop Maris.
Try, impotent man! Who has had power to restore the temple of Jerusalem since the Prince of Golgotha called down destruction upon it?
I have the power! The Emperor has the power! Your God shall be made a liar. Stone by stone will I rebuild the temple of Jerusalem in all its glory, as it was in the days of Solomon.
Bishop Maris.
Not one stone shall you add to another; for it is accursed of the Lord.
Wait, wait; you shall see—if you <g>could</g> see—you who stand there forsaken and helpless, groping in the darkness, not knowing where you next may place your foot.
Bishop Maris.
Yet I see the glare of the lightning that shall one day fall upon you and yours.
[He gropes his way out. Julian remains
behind, surrounded by a handful of pale
and terrified attendants.