Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/41

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act i.]
caesar's apostasy.


[Beating him with his stick] Take that—and that—and that!


[Kicking him.] And this—and this! I'll baste your god-detested skin for you!

[The Fruit-seller hastens away


[With the evident intention of being heard by the Captain of the Guard.] It is much to be desired that some one should bring this scene to our blessed Emperor's ears. The Emperor has lately expressed his displeasure at the way in which we Christian citizens consort with the heathen, just as if no gulf divided us——


You refer to that placard in the market-places? I too have read it. And I hold that, as there is both true and false gold in the world——


——we ought not to clip every one with the same shears; that is my way of thinking. There are still zealous souls among us, praise be to God!


We are far from being zealous enough, dear brethren! See how boldly these scoffers hold up their heads. How many of this rabble, think you, bear the sign of the cross or of the fish on their arms?