Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/50

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caesar's apostasy.
[act i.


Still blind! Can you not yet see so much as yonder glittering star? Fie! man of little faith! Did not God's anointed promise to pray for your sight?

The Blind Man.

Who are you, that mock at a blind brother?


A brother in unbelief and blindness.

[He is about to go off to the left.

A Voice.

[Softly, among the bushes behind him.] Julian, Julian!


[With a cry.] Ah!

The Voice.

[Nearer.] Julian!


Stand, stand;—I am armed Beware!

A Young Man.

[Poorly clad, and with a traveller's staff, appears among the trees.] Hush! It is I——


Stand where you are! Do not come near me, fellow!

The Young Man.

Oh, do you not remember Agathon——?