Third Citizen.
I should think so. And Skipper Evensen said he'd bring a thumping big horn.
Second Citizen.
He's a good 'un, is Evensen!
[Laughter in the group.
A Fourth Citizen.
[Joining them.] I say, what's it all about? What's going on here to-night?
Second Citizen.
Why, it's Dr. Stockmann that's going to lecture against the Burgomaster.
Fourth Citizen.
But the Burgomaster's his brother.
First Citizen.
That makes no difference. Dr. Stockmann's not afraid of him.
Third Citizen.
But he's all wrong; the People's Messenger says so.
Second Citizen.
Yes, he must be wrong this time; for neither the House-owners' Association nor the Citizens' Club would let him have a hall.
First Citizen.
They wouldn't even lend him the hall at the Baths.
Second Citizen.
No, you may be sure they wouldn't.