For example, in the combination red, yellow, and blue, there are four colors between red and yellow, six colors between yellow and blue, and seven colors between bine and red; in the combination purple-red, green-yellow, and violet-blue, there are six colors between purple-red and green-yellow, six colors between green-yellow and violet-blue, and five colors between violet-blue and purple-red.
In the use of black, there is one point the reader must not lose sight of; and that is, that black should be combined with a cold color, only after the cold color has been reduced with white.
The following is a list of good three-color combinations, including black:
- Black, red, and yellow.
- Black, red, and green-yellow.
- Black, red, and yellow-green.
- Black, red, and the light tones of green, blue-green, sea-green, green-blue, and blue.
- Black, orange-red, and green-yellow.
- Black, orange-red, and yellow-green.
- Black, orange-red, and the light tones of green, blue-green, sea-green, green-blue, and blue.
- Black, orange, and yellow-green.
- Black, orange, and the light tones of green, bine-green, sea-green, green-bine, blue, and violet-blue.
- Black, yellow-orange, and the light tones of bine-green, sea-green, green-bine, bine, violet-bine, and blue-violet.
- Black, orange-yellow, and the light tones of sea-green, green-blue, blue, violet-blue, blue-violet, and violet.
- Black, yellow, and the light tones of green-bine, blue, violet-blue, bine-violet, violet, and purple-violet.