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The Chemistry of the Body

out from the cavity of the alimentary canal lined with the same cells, but, as no food ever enters, the cells which line them devote themselves entirely to pouring out digestive juices. Glands differ considerably in structure and in the liquids which they secrete. Some are very small; some, like the liver, very large. In some the tube is very short, in some long, coiled and branched, and sometimes the gland is connected with the surface by more or less of a duct. Some glands only secrete one enzyme, some several. In each, however, the principle is that shown in Diagram 9, no matter how its structure is masked by the bloodvessels and supporting cells or connective tissue which envelop it.

After a meal, or, rather, when the process of digestion is over and the animal is beginning to think about its next, the gland cells start preparing their enzyme. There is great activity in the nucleus, and granules stream out from it towards the lumen of the gland in much the same way, to take a homely illustration, as bubbles in some effervescing drink form at the bottom of the tumbler and rise till the surface is covered with foam. At the right moment these granules are discharged, just as the bubbles on the surface of a liquid break at a slight jog. They are usually not the ferment or enzyme, but its precursor, a substance which only turns into the ferment when it gets outside the cells. The ferments, when formed, are very peculiar substances about which we should like the chemist to tell us more, though great advances have been made in our knowledge of them lately.

Among other peculiarities, one may mention that, though they will keep indefinitely if bottled, they are easily destroyed by too extreme a temperature or too acid or alkaline surroundings, that their composition is entirely unknown, and, strangest of all, that they do not become used up. A given amount of rennet will clot any amount of milk within reasonable limits, and yet remain rennet. The clergyman has been quoted as an illustration of the action of a ferment, and he makes a good one. He can make any number of suitable men and women into married couples, and yet his own state is unchanged.