Page:The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.pdf/28

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Dey is times in life when Nature 57
Dey was oncet a awful quoil 'twixt de skillet an' de pot 268
Dey was talkin' in de cabin, dey was talkin' in de hall 182
Dey's a so't o' threatenin' feelin' in de blowin' of de breeze 171
Dinah stan' befo' de glass 206
Dis is gospel weathah sho'- 26
Do' a-stan'in' on a jar, fiah a-shinin' thoo 196
Dolly sits a-quilting by her mother, stitch by stitch 240
Done are the toils and the wearisome marches 22
Dream days of fond delight and hours 287
Dream on, for dreams are sweet 100
Driftwood gathered here and there 277
Duck come switchin' 'cross de lot 275
Ef dey's anyt'ing dat riles me 141
Ef you's only got de powah fe' to blow a little whistle 250
Eight of 'em hyeah all tol' an' yet 243
Emblem of blasted hope and lost desire 115
Ere sleep comes down to soothe the weary eyes 3
Folks ain't got no right to censuah othah folks about dey habits 5
Folks is talkin' 'bout de money, 'bout de silvah an' de gold 135
Four hundred years ago a tangled waste 47
Fu' de peace o' my eachin' heels, set down 222
God has his plans, and what if we 81
"Good-bye," I said to my conscience 31
Goo'-by, Jinks, I got to hump 64
Good hunting!-aye, good hunting 237
Good-night, my love, for I have dreamed of thee 93
Granny's gone a-visitin' 242
Grass commence a-comin' 176

[ xxii ]