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Page:The copyright act, 1911, annotated.djvu/104

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��Copyright Act, 1911.


Penalties for dealing with infringing' copies, (Sre.

��Sum in arij Remedies.

11. — (1) If any person knowingly —

(a) makes for sale or hire any infringing

copy («) of a work in which copyright subsists (Z*) ; or

(b) sells (c) or lets for hire, or by way of trade

exposes or offers (t?) for sale or hire any infringing copy of any such w^ork; or

(c) distributes infringing copies of any sach

work either for the purposes of trade or to such an extent as to affect preju- dicially the ow^ner of the copyright; or

(d) by way of trade exhibits in public any

infringing cop}^ of any such work ; or (ej imports (^') for sale or hire into the United Kingdom any infringing copy of any such work :

he shall be guilty of an off'ence under this Act and be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding forty shillings for every copy dealt with in contra v^ention of this section, but not

��(«) Sect. 35 (1) ("Infringing").

(b) Sect. 1.

(f) Vide supra, p. 40.

{d) Vide supra, -p. 40. .

(e) Vide supra, p. 40.

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