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106 Copyright Act, 1911.

��Importation of Copies.

§14. 14. — (1) Copies made out of the United

Importation Kiiigdoiu of Riiy work ill which copyright (a)

copies. subsists which if made in the United Kingdom

would infringe {h) copyright, and as to which the

owner {c) of the copyright gives notice in writing

by himself or his agent to the Commissioners of

Customs and Excise, that he is desirous that such

copies should not be imported into the United

Kingdom, shall not be so imported, and shall,

subject to the provisions of this section, be deemed

to be included in the table of prohibitions and

restrictions contained in section forty-two of the

39 & 40 Vict. Customs Consolidation Act, 1876. and that section

shall apply accordingly.

(2) Before detaining any such copies or taking any further proceedings with a view to the for- feiture thereof under the law relating to the Customs, the Commissioners of Customs and Excise may require the regulations under this section, whether as to information, conditions, or other matters, to be complied with, and may satisfy themselves in accordance with those regulations that the copies are such as are prohibited by this section to be imported.

[a) Sect. 1 (2). {b) Sect. 2. [c) Sect. 5.

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