��Copyright Act, 1911
��Deliver}} of Books to Libraries.
��Delivery of copies to British Museum and other libraries.
��16. — (1) The publisher of every book pub- lished (a) in the United Kingdom shall, within one month after the publication, deliver, at his own expense, a copy of the book to the trustees of the British Museum, who shall give a written receipt for it.
(2) He shall also, if written demand is made before the expiration of twelve months after publication, deliver within one month after re- ceipt of that written demand or, if the demand was made before publication, within one month after publication, to some depot in London named in the demand a copy of the book for, or in accordance with the directions of, the authority having the control of each of the following libraries, namely : the Bodleian Library, Oxford, the University Library, Cambridge, the Library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh, and the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and sub- ject to the provisions of this section the National Library of Wales. Li the case of an encyclo- paedia, newspaper, review, magazine, or work published in a series of numbers or parts, the written demand may include all numbers or
��(«) Sect. 1 (3).
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