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Page:The copyright act, 1911, annotated.djvu/155

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Special Pko visions as to certain Works. 143

The object of this section, combined with the First § 24. Schedule, is to define the ai^plication of the Act to works

��already in existence when the Act shall come into opera- i^o.^orks^' tion. The princij)al features of these provisions are — oome under

(1) Unpublished letters, manuscripts and printed protection

matter, engravings and sculpture will be pro- g^tit^^^to toctcd in the same manner as if they had been copyright, created after the date of the Act.

(2) Unpublished jjaintings, drawings and photographs

will get no protection under the Act if the period of the author's life and seven years has expired at the date of the Act: If such ijeriod has not expired they will be protected in the same manner as if they had been created after the date of the Act.

(3) A published work Avhich has acquired no statutory

copyright or performing right under the present law will acquire no protection under the Act. . The only exception tO; this is the case of records, which receive special treatment under sect. 19 (8).

(4) Where statutory copyright or jx-rforming right in

a work has been enjoyed under the present law, but has expired when the Act comes into opera- tion, such work will obtain no right under the Act corresponding to that right which has expired.

(5) Where statutory copyright or performing right in

a work is still subsisting when the Act comes into operation, such work will acquire the cor- responding right or rights under this Act, that is to say —

(i) An extended term;

(ii) Enlarged iDrotection, e.g., the exclusive right of recitation, dramatization, making re- cords, &c.

(6) Until the expiration of the original term of copy-

right, the enlarged protection given by the Act enures to the owner of the right, whether author or assignee; except that in the case of musical works the right of making records enures to the author under all circumstances.

(7) After the expiration of the original term of copy-

right, the extended term enures for the benefit

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