Page:The council of seven.djvu/328

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As far as the grim matter now in hand was concerned, Hierons was the soul of business. Perhaps he may have realized that if his task were not instantly performed he might not be able to accomplish it.

When Helen entered the room, the American at once opened the ball.

"I am desired by the Council of Seven to say this: As soon as the death of Saul Hartz has been accomplished, the Society will consider its immediate aim to have been achieved. It will no longer seek the world's peace on its present lines. In fact, it proposes at once to annul its constitution; as a corporate body it will cease to be."

"The Society is about to disband?" said John Endor, quickly.

"Yes,—as soon as Saul Hartz, the world's arch enemy, is dead. The transactions of the last few days have convinced some of the Society's deepest thinkers that the cause of humanity as a whole will be best