Page:The cutters' practical guide to the cutting of ladies' garments.djvu/137

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The Seven Stars


These are Seven Trousers Systems by seven eminent Cutters, containing also the secret of their success.

Price 7/6, post free 7/9.

THE PRINCIPLES Of Trouser Cutting.

As illustrated by ten essays, in a competition for a prize of £10, together with the methods suggested by the essayists for meeting the peculiarities and deformities of customers, also the defects and remedies in trousers cutting. This work forms the second volume of the Great National Work on Trousers, and contains the cream of experience of ten eminent Cutters.

Price 5/- ; bound in cloth. 6/-. Postage 3d


Preparatory Instructor and Guide.

Containing also Directions for Self-Tuition.

BY JOHN WILLIAMSON, Editor of The Tailor and Cutter.

The necesity for such a work as the above title indicates, has been strongly impressed upon us for a considerable time. So frequently do Students arrive at our Office with little or no knowledge whatever of the career upon which they have resolved to enter—making the difficulties that have to be overcome so much the greater—it has many times occurred to us to prepare a Treatise embodying a general outline of a cutter's carrer, for the special use of intending Students, so they may be able to form some idea of the career upon which they anticipate entering. This we have now succeeded in doing.

The Treatise also contains directions whereby the intending Student (unassisted) may undergo a course of instruction and practice, preparatory to his placing himself in the hands of a competent teacher, and which will greatly facilitate his progress and future advancement.

Directions for Self-Tuition are also added, whereby those who have time and opportunity, and possess the necessary powers of self-application to acquire the Art of Cutting by self-tuition, are directed to the means within their reach whereby they may do so.

Price One Shilling, post free 1/2.


Tailor & Cutter Academy

Prepared specially for Intending Students.


The young; man who enters a Cutting Academy or Cutting School, to acquire the Art of Cutting, with no previous knowledge of a cutting career and knows nothing of the different steps and stages along which the Art is acquired, is at a disadvantage compared with him who has had opportunities previously of making such a forecast. This want—the means of acquiring such knowledge—is now supplied by the Treatise we now introduce. An ex-student of ours began writing an article on his Course of Tuition at our Academy. We considered it so realistic, that we induced him to proceed, and embrace in it his whole course of tuition, which extended to three months. This we now publish for the special benefit of intending Students.

It is a simple ungarnished record of his observation, experience and acquirement, during the course of tuition at our Academy. Besides being an excellent forecast to any intending Student — or anyone indeed who purposes acquiring the Art of Cutting under any teacher or circumstances — it contains much on the Art of Cutting of considerable practical value to any cutter—even to many of mature experience.

This treatise is got up in good style, and is printed en good paper, and being prepared specially as a Guide to Intending Students to our Academy, it is supplied at the nominal charge of

6d., Post Free, 7d.


Cutting Class,

Being a Series of Easy Lessons


Elementary Principies of Cutting

These Lessons have been specially prepared as a first step for young aspirants acquiring the Art of Cutting. To the young and uninitiated, works on cutting, at first sight, appear extremely vague and complex, and many young men are doubtless prevented acquiring the Art of Cutting from the apparent difficulties that meet them on the threshold. Here is the whole Art of Cutting put in the form of very simple Lessons, in which the lad or apprentice, totally ignorant of Cutting, begins at the A B C of the Art, and is brought gradually on by easy steps and stages, beginning at the very first principles—the whole being adapted to the capacity of any apprentice boy.

An idea of the interesting and instructive character of these Lessons may be formed when we state that they take the form of a Report, relating in full detail the instructions of the Teacher, the questions of the Students upon obscure points, and the Teacher's replies. In this way every possible point which is likely to perplex the Student is fully discussed, and made intelligible to the humblest capacity. The lessons are based upon the principle—which is maintained throughout—that it is not so much the system that is used as the exercise of sound judgment in using it.

Price 3/6. Post free, 3 7.

Strongly and Handsomely Bound in

Cloth, 5/-. Post free, 5/3.

The Cutter's Guide, TO LADIES' GARMENTS. A Guide to Alterations in Fitting Ladies Tailor-made Garments.

Tall and thin figures.
Short and stout.
Square shoulders and short necks.
Sloping shoulders and long necks.
Creases at the waist.
A fold right across front.
Creases down the front shoulder.
Prominent and flat blades.
Prominent and flat hips.
Erect figures.
Stooping figures.
Looseness on front edge.
Creases round neck.

A Plate of Diagrams also illustrates a section of the neck, and giving explicit details of the various collars worn or Ladies' Garments

Such a Guide is invaluable to all ladies cutters.

PRICE, 1s. 6d.

Trimmers Practical Guide


In this Guide the Trimmers' various duties are fully explained, and copious hints given on the special features of very nearly every garment a tailor is called upon to make. So wide is the scope of this Guide that the space at our disposal here will not permit us to give a (detailed Syllabus. Sections are devoted to' the following:

Trimming Principles,
Business Principles.
How to Measure for every kind of garment including ladies'.
General Hints on Trying On,

The Order Book, Stock Keeping and many other things, including a Trouser System. After all this comes the work proper.

Norfolk Jackets.
Dress Jackets.
Footman's Pantry Jacket.
Riding Habit & Train.
Patrol Jackets.
Smoking Jackets.
Flannel Shirts.
Inverness Capes.
The Scarborough.
Livery Overcoats.
Police „
Military „
Naval „
Dressing Gowns.
Morning Coat.
Shooting Coat.
Dress Coat.
Footman's Coatee.
Frock Coat.
Coachman's Frock.
Groom's Frock.
Police Tunics.
Fireman's Tunic.
Military Frock.
Military Tunic.
Clerical Frock.
Clerical Cassock.
Naval and Military Garments
Ladies' Costume.
Costume Skirt.
Ladies' Breeches, Trousers, &c.
Gent's Vests, S. B. and D. B.
Washing Vests.
Dress. „
Livery „
Trousers, Fly Front.
Whole Fall.
Working Men's Trousers.
Gent's Breeches.
Livery Breeches.
Dress Breeches.
Cycling Breeches.
Knicker. Breeches.



Cutters' Practical Guide


For Disproportionate Figures.

This will be found one of the most useful works ever published, as it illustrates by carefully arranged diagrams the alteration required for almost every kind of abnormality met with. It is a companion work to the "Cutters' Album" and "Trimmers' Practical Guide," by the same author, giving just such information on difficult subjects which was not treated in either of these works. The unusual garments are fully dealt with, and its value may be better appreciated, when we state that it forms a complete work of reference to all kinds of garments. Besides dealing fully with all the current fashionable styles of Gents' Garments, it embraces Livery, Military, Naval and Clerical Dress, Police and Firemen's Uniforms, Trouser Variations, &c., together with a vast amount of information almost incredible in such a compact little volume.

In Stiff Cover 2/9. Bound in Cloth 3/9.

The John Williamson Company Limited, 93 & 94 Drury Lane, London, W.C.