Page:The dispensary - a poem in six canto's (sic) (IA b30356775).pdf/27

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SPEAK, Goddess! since 'tis Thou that best canst tell,
How ancient Leagues to modern Discord fell;
And why Physicians were so cautious grown
Of Others Lives, and lavish of their own;
How by a Journey to th' Elysian Plain
Peace triumph'd, and old Time return'd again.

Not far from that most celebrated Place,
Where angry [1]Justice shews her awful Face;
Where little Villains must submit to Fate,
That great Ones may enjoy the World in state;
There stands a [2]Dome, Majestick to the Sight,
And sumptuous Arches bear its oval Height;

  1. Old Baily.
  2. College of Physicians.