Page:The dispensary - a poem in six canto's (sic) (IA b30356775).pdf/68

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The Dispensary.

And up these Walls much Gothick Lumber climbs,
With Swiss Philosophy, and Runick Rhimes.
Hither, retriev'd from Cooks and Grocers, come
M—— works entire, and endless Reams of Bl———m.
Where would the long-neglected C———s fly,
If bounteous Carus shou'd refuse to buy?
But each vile Scribler's happy on this score,
He'll find some Carus still to read him o're.

Nor must we the obsequious Umbra spare,
Who, soft by Nature, yet declar'd for War.
But when some Rival Pow'r invades a Right,
Flies set on Flies, and Turtles Turtles fight.
Else courteous Umbra to the last had been
Demurely meek, insipidly serene.
[1]With Him, the Present still some Virtues have,
The Vain are sprightly, and the Stupid, grave:
The Slothful, negligent; the Foppish, neat;
The Lewd are airy; and the Sly, discreet.
A Wren an Eagle, a Baboon a Beau;
C—— a Lycurgus, and a Phocion R——.

Heroick Ardour now th' Assembly warms,
Each Combatant breaths nothing but Alarms.
For Future Glory, while the Scheme is laid,
Fam'd Horoscope thus offers to dissuade;

Since of each Enterprize th'Event's unknown,
We'll quit the Sword, and hearken to the Gown.

  1. See the Imitation Hor. Sat. the 3d.
