Page:The dispensary - a poem in six canto's (sic) (IA b30356775).pdf/73

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Canto IV.

The wond'ring Sage pursues his airy Flight,
And braves the chill unwholsome Damps of Night;
He views the Tracts where Luminaries rove,
To settle Seasons here and Fates above.
The bleak Arcturus still forbid the Seas,
The stormy Kidds, the weeping Hyades:
The shining [1]Lyre with Strains attracting more
Heav'n's glitt'ring Mansions now than [2]Hell's before.
Glad Cassiopeia circling in the Sky,
And each bright Churchil of the Galaxy.

Aurora on Etesian Breezes born,
With blushing Lips breaths out the sprightly Morn;
Each Flow'r in Dew their short-liv'd Empire weeps,
And Cynthia with her lov'd Endymion sleeps.
As thro' the Gloom the Magus cuts his Way,
Imperfect Objects tell the doubtful Day.
Dim he discerns Majestick Atlas rise,
And bend beneath the Burthen of the Skies.
His tow'ring Brows aloft no Tempests know,
Whilst Light'ning flies, and Thunder rolls below.

Distant from hence beyond a Waste of Plains,
Proud Teneriff his Giant Brother reigns;
With breathing Fire his pitchy Nostrils glow,
As from his Sides he shakes the fleecy Snow.
Around this hoary Prince, from wat'ry Beds,
His Subject islands raise their verdant Heads;
The Waves so gently wash each rising Hill
The Land seems floating, and the Ocean still.

  1. Orpheus's Harp made a Constellation.
  2. See Manil.
