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Alto, uniform tci/A the STANDARD LIBRARY, as. (exeept ThurydiJet, JSschylus, Virgil, Hornet, and Cicero's Offices, which are Si. Cut. each), BOHN'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY, A SKIUES or LITERAL Pfton TRANSLATIONS OF TIIK GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, WITH NOTES. 1. HERODOTUS. By the RBV. HENRI CART, M.A. Index, and Frontispiece. 2 & 3. THUCYDIDES. By the REV. H. DALE. In 2 Yols. (3*. 6<t. each). 4. PLATO. Vol. I. By CART. [The Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phtedo, Gorgias, I'rotujrotas, Pluedrus, Tlic;-tetus, Euthypliron, Lysis.] 6. LIVY'S HISTORY OF ROME. Vol. I., Books 1 to 8. 0. PLATO. Vol. II. By DAVIS. [The Republic, TimtEiis. and Critias.] 7. LIVY'S HISTORY OF ROME. Vol. II., Boots 9 to 2C. 8. SOPHOCLES. The Oxford Translation, revised. 9. XESCHYLUS. By an OXONIAN. (Price 3j 6J.) 10. ARISTOTLES RHETORIC AND POETIC. With Examination Questions. 11. LIVYS HISTORY OF ROME. Vol. III., Books 27 to 36. 12 &. 14. EURIPIDES. From the Text of Dindorf. In 2 Vols. 13. VIRGIL. By DAVIDSON. New Edition, RemeU. (Price Us. GJ.) 15. HORACE. By SMART. New Edition, Revised. (Price 3s. 6,/.) 16. ARISTOTLE'S ETHICS. By PROP. R. W. BBOWNR, of King's College. 17. CICERO'S OFFICES. [Old Age, Friendship, Scipio's Dream, Paradoxes, &c.] 8. PLATO. Vol. III. By G. BURGKS, M.A. [Euthydemus, Symposium, Sophistea, Pohticus, Lsclies, Parmenides, Cratylus, and Meno.] 19. LIVY'S HISTORY OF ROME. Vol. IV. (which completes the work). 20. CXESAR AND HIRTIUS. With Index. 21. HOMER'S ILIAD. Frontispiece. 22. HOMER'S ODYSSEY, HYMNS, EPIGRAMS, AND BATTLE o? THE FROGS AND MICE 23. PLATO. Vol. IV. By G. BUROKS, M.A. [Philebus, Charmidcs, Laches, The Two Alcibiades, and Ten other Dialogues.] 24. 25, & 32. OVID. By H. T. RILEY, B.A. Complete in 3 Vols. Frontispieces. 26. LUCRETIUS. By the REV. J.S.WATSON. With the Metrical Version of J.M. GOOD. 27. 30, 31, & 34. CICERO'S ORATIONS. By C. D. YONGI. Complete in 4 Vols (Vol. 4 contains also the Rhetorical Pieces.) 28. PINDAR. By DAWSO.N W. TURNKB. With the Metrical Version of MOORE. Front. 29. PLATO. Vol. V. By G. BURGKS, M.A. [The Laws.] 33. THE COMEDIES OF PLAUTUS. By H. T. RILKT, B.A. In 2 Vols. Vol. I. 34. JUVENAL, PERSIUS, &.c. By the RKV. L. EVANS, M.A. With the Metrical Version of GirroaD. Frontispiece. Also, uniform teith the STANDARD LIBRARY, at as. prr volume, BONN'S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY, 1 to 8. LODGES PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 8 Vols. post 8vo. 210 Portraits. 9. CRUIKSHANK'S THREE COURSES AND DESSERT, mtk 50 Illustrationt. 10. PICKERING'S RACES OF MAN, HM numerous Portraits (or Coloured li.Gd.) 11. KITTO'S SCRIPTURE LANDS, AND BIBLICAL ATLAS, vith 24 Maps, (or Coloured, Is. 6,/.) 12. WHITE'S NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE, with Notes by SIR WM. JAIUMNK and others, edited, with large additions, by ED. JKSSK, Esq. Witk 40 higkly-finiske.l Wood Enyrarinys (Coloured, Is. 6d.) 13. DIDRONS CHRISTIAN ICONOGRAPHY, *>M 150 beautiful Engrmingt. In 2 Volg. Vol. I. 14. REDDING ON WINES. New and Revised Edition, idtk 20 beautiful WoodetUs. 15 & 16. ALLEN'S BATTLES OF THE BRITISH NAVY. New Edition, Enlarged by the Author. Numerous fine Portraits on Steel. 2 Vols. 17 &. 18. ROME IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Fifth Edition, in 2 Vols., tcM 84 fine Steel Engravings, aud Index. >^-&K^l^l.^^