surely judged?'" He will say, "Are ye looking down?" and he shall look down and see him in the midst of hell. He shall say, "By God! thou didst nearly ruin me! And had it not been for the favor of my Lord, I should have been among those arraigned."—"What! shall we not die save our first death? and shall we not be tormented? Verily this is mighty bliss! for the like of this then let the workers work!"
Verily, those who disbelieve in our signs, we will broil them with fire; whenever their skins are well done, then we will change them for other skins, that they, too, may taste the torment. But those who believe and do right, we will make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, and they shall dwell therein forever and aye, for them therein are pure wives and we will make them enter into a shady shade.
O my servants! There is no fear for you on that (judgment) day; nor shall ye be grieved who believe in our signs and who are resigned. Enter ye into Paradise, ye and your wives, happy!
Dishes and pitchers of gold shall be sent round to them; therein is what souls desire, and eyes shall be delighted, and ye therein shall dwell for aye; for that is Paradise which ye are given as an inheritance for that which ye have done. Therein shall ye have much fruit whereof to eat.
The similitude of Paradise is promised to the