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he shall be a prophet to the people of Israel, saying, that I have come to you with a sign from God, namely that I will create for you out of clay as though it were the form of a bird, and I will blow thereon and it shall be a bird by God's permission; and I will heal the blind from birth, and lepers, and I will bring the dead to life by God's permission, and I will tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses."


When God said, "O Jesus! I will make Thee die and take Thee up again to me, and will clear Thee of those who misbelieve, and will make those who follow Thee, above those who misbelieve at the day of judgment; then to me is your return."


O ye people of the Book! do not exceed in your religion nor say against God aught save the truth. The Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, is but the apostle of God and His word, which He cast into Mary and a spirit from Him; believe then in God and in the apostles, and say not "Three!" Have done! it were better for you. God is but one God! Celebrated be His praise, that He should create a son! His is what is in the Heavens and in the earth; and God sufficeth for a guardian.


Note: Among the Biblical stories related in the Koran is the story of Joseph and his brethren, which is given in great detail in the Twelfth Chap-