The day when the Spirit (Jesus) and the angels shall stand in ranks, they shall not speak save to whom the Merciful permits, and who speaks aright.
Verily the earthquake of the hour is a mighty thing. On the day ye Shall see it, every suckling woman shall be scared away from that to which she gave suck; and every pregnant woman shall lay down her load, and thou Shalt see men drunken, though they be not drunken; but the torment of God is severe.
The day the heavens shall be cleft asunder with the clouds, and the angels shall be sent down descending. The true kingdom on that day shall belong to the Merciful, and it shall be a hard day for the misbelievers.
Woe on that day for those who say that the judgment day is a lie! But none shall call it a lie except every, sinful transgressor, who when our signs are read to him, says. "Old folks' tales!"
When the heaven is cleft asunder; and when the stars are scattered, and when the seas gush together, and the tombs are turned upside down, the soul shall know what it has sent on or kept back. . . . . Nay, but ye call the judgment day a lie! but over you are guardian angels set who write down; they know what you do. . . . .