Page:The ethics of Aristotle.djvu/323

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I ESSAYS AND BELLESLETTRES iii F3 Anthology ot Prose. Compiled and Edited by Miss S. L. Edwards. 675 g _;. Arnold’s (Matthew) Essays. Introduction by G. K. Chesterton. 115 e  » i. Study of Celtic Literature, and other Critical Essays.

 '  * with Supplement by Lord Stranglord, etc. 458

( ,· (See also Posrrnr) @6 f Bacon’s Essays. Introduction by Oliphant Smeaton. 10 A (See also Pmtosornv)

  pg Bagehot’s Literary Studies. 2 vols. Intro. by George Sampson. 620-1
 ‘  Belloc’s (Hilaire) Stories, Essays, and Poems. 948

.; f Brownie Rah and his Friends, etc. 116

M Burke’s Reflections on the French Revolution and contingent Essays.
fn Introduction by A. J. Grieve, M.A. 460
;¥ (See also Omsrour)

V Cunton’s (William) The Invisible Playmate, W. V., Her Book, and In F ( (Sec also Fon Youxu P1¤:o1>LE) [Memory of VV. V. 566

Carlyle’s Essays. 2 vols. lVith Notes by J. Russell Lowell. 7034

, ,, Pest and Present. Introduction by R. W. Emerson. 605 S2 ` ,, Sartor Resartus and Heroes and Hero Worship. 278 ‘*‘ , (Sac also Bioonsruv and Hisroiw) ~ c» Cs.stlglione’s The Courtier. Translated by Sir Thomas Hoby. Intro— , I . duction by W. H. D. Rouse. 807

 A L Century ot Essays, A. An Anthology ol English Essaylsts. 653

j  » Chestcrilelcfs (Lord) Letters to his Son. 823 Q 1. Chestcrton’s (G. K.) Stories, Essays, and Poems. 913

 a Coleridge's Biogrsphia Literaria. Introduction by Arthur Symons. 11
 S ,, Essays and Lectures on Shakespeare, etc. 162

< ~ (See also Ponruv)

   L De ls. Mare’s (Walter) Stories, Essays, and Poems. 940
 De Qulncey’s (Thomas) Opium Eater. Intro. by Sir G. Douglas 223
   ., .. T e English Mail Coach and Other Writings.
w Introduction by S. Hill Burton. 609
; (Sec also Bioousrnr)

Q, Dryden’s Dramatic Essays. With an Introduction by W. H. Hudson. 568 36 / Elyot’s Gouernour. Intro. and Glossary by Prot. Foster Watson. 227

F: 1. Emerson’s Essays. First and Second Series. 12
 1, ,, Nature, Conduct of Life, Essays from the ‘ Dial.' 322

(gg ,, Representative Men. Introduction by E. Rhys. 279

   ,, Society and Solitude and Other Essays. 667

if _i.i (See o Poryrnr)

   F1orio’s Montaigne. Introduction by A. R. Waller, M.A. 3 vols. 440-2
  q; i.»_ F1-oude’s Short Studies. Vols. I and II. 13, 705
 (See also Hxsromr and Bxoomirur)
 Glllillaxfs Literary Portraits. Intro. by Sir W. Robertson Nicoll. 348

ig; Gcethe’s Conversations with Eckermsnn. Intro. by Havelock Ellis,

ggig 851. (Sec also Fiction and Poisrnr)

ig Goldsmith ’s Citizen of the World and The Bee. Intro. by R. Church. 902 if (See also Ficriox and Pommr)

   Hamllton’s The Federalist. 519
   Hazlitt’s Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 411
 ,, The Round Table and Shakespeare? Characters. 65v
 ., Spirit of the Age and Lectures on English Poets. 4o9
   . I ,, Table Talk. 321
 j.,, Plain Speaker. Introduction by P. P. Howe. 814

S ( 3 H0lmes*siAut0cmt of the Breakfast Table. 66 @ ‘il_ ; ,, Poet at the Breakfast Table. 68 l I — = ‘,, ipmresssr at the Breakfast Table. G7

   L Huds0n’s (W. H.) A Shepherds Lite. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 926
 Q H¤I1Us_(Leigh) Selected Essays. Introduction by J. B. Priestley.  
  (Aldous) Stories, Essays, and Poems. 935 __ S S ·
   g lpiv 1  Book ot Geom·eysCrs§on., 117* ` 0 0 .j
 ; *   e   ilieeeli,   aire, g weceatsro Bioomrurland lisronyi   _ ‘ , ( A ,
 P. .¤  of.Elia:ffclxxtroiiuctiou by Augiistinoliirrsll. 14*   i
   jg ,ie».. gpg? .i,‘*   i·.l ( ‘cc.also·13erosn.xr¤r(ai1d Fon Yomm Psorn.¤·:)‘   ~ _ v 4 ; ~
 ,iil ¥ `i»`.` e   eii‘     `»—. E .(l` S   i `3 ,   A »