tired, poor boy, and disheartened. The arrangement we suggested for the children did not please him. Edith had generously offered to assume the care of the little Vars heir. I had said that I would take. Emily, and to Elise was allotted Becky, aged three. We were all in Edith's living-room talking about it, when Ruth suddenly appeared on the scene.
Now Ruth is an interior decorator. Her shop is one of the most successful and exclusive in New York City. We're all very proud of Ruth. When she appeared that day so unexpectedly at the Homestead, I spied her first coming up the walk to Edith's door.
"Well—look what's coming!" I exclaimed, for Ruth was not alone. She was carrying Oliver's littlest girl, Becky.
"Good gracious!" exclaimed Edith.
"Is it Ruth?" asked Malcolm, staring hard through his thick, near-sighted glasses.
"Has she got Becky?" inquired Oliver.
"Explain yourself," laughed Alec, going to the screen door and letting Ruth in.
We all gathered round her.
"Hello, everybody," she smiled at us over Becky's shoulder. She was warm with walking. "Nothing to explain. Just decided to run up here, that's all, and found this poor little thing crying down by the gate. It's Becky, isn't it, Oliver? I haven't seen her for a year."
"It's just a shame you didn't let us meet you," said Edith. "Walking in this weather! I declare it is.