Page:The first and last journeys of Thoreau - lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts 2.djvu/122

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Paul. Parry says the ground-nut "grows in great abundance and of superior quality on the banks of the St. Peter's."

These appear to be the latest notes made by Thoreau regarding this last journey.

Besides the long list already given of plants seen in Minnesota, the Notes contain a numbered list, with the places named (oftentimes) where they were seen, and the date. Here it is:

1. Podophyllum (in bud), May 15, and Ranunculus abortivus (in bloom), Goat Island.

2. Dicentra cucullaria. Dog's-tooth violet, May 15 (just about done), do

[Between 2 and 4 not numbered]

4. Trillium grandiflorum, May 15 (very variable in form of petals and leaf), do

5. Trillium erectum, May 15, do

6. Dentaria laciniata, do do

Cardamine rbomboidea. May 15 (purple-flowered, apparently running like the variety purpurea), do

7. Claytonia Virginica, May 15, do

8. Arabis lyrata; trifolia, May 15 (both kinds), do

9. Shepherdia Canadensis, May 15,

Amelanchier (by bridge). Yellow

violet (pubescens), Goat Island, N. end.

10. Staphylea trifolia (out, May 23), Dunleith, Prairie du Chien.

11. Pulsatilla, May 23, 24, St. Anthony,

26-29, do

12. Lithospermum hirtum, May 27, behind St. Anthony.
