Page:The first and last journeys of Thoreau - lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts 2.djvu/69

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La Crosse to Dakota, 12 
Richmond, 6, 18,
Trempe à L’Eau, 5, 23,
Homer, 10, 33,
Winona, 7, 40,
Fountain City, 12, 52,
Mount Vernon, 14, 66,
Minneiska, 4, 70,
West Newton, 8, 78,
Alma, 7, 85,
Wabasha, 10, 95,
Nelson’s Landing, 3, 98,
Reed’s Landing, 2, 100,
North Pepin, 8, 108,
Johnstown, 2, 110,
Lake City, 5, 115,
Central Point, 2, 117,
Maiden Rock, 3, 120,
Florence, 3, 123,
Westerville, 3, 126,
Waconta, 12, 138,
Red Wing, 6, 144,
Thing's Landing, 7, 151,
Diamond Bluff, 8, 159,
Prescott, 13, 172,
Point Douglas, 1, 173,
Hastings, 3, 176,
Nininger, 4, 180,
Grey Cloud, 8, 188,
Pine Bend, 4, 192,
Red Rock, 8, 200,
Kapona, 3, 203,
La Crosse to St. Paul, 208.

This table seems to have been carefully made from a river-chart, some days after his arrival at St. Paul. The names of some landings have changed since 1861.

Arriving at Red Wing on his return journey, at two p. m. he at once began to botanize (June 23), while awaiting letters from Concord; and his notes inquire:

What is the upright, alternate, entire, elliptic-leaved, and sessile-leaved plant,con-

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