Page:The first report, etc., of the Lichfield Society.djvu/23

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objects. It is our intention to form a collection of plans, books, drawings, and models, to which the church-builder may refer; we propose to perpetuate, by engravings, the most beautiful edifices in the Diocese; so that if unhappily they fall to ruin, the memory of them may not be lost. We shall have pleasure in receiving plans and elevations which may be forwarded to us for inspection, and expressing our opinion upon them. We hope, if our funds admit, to contribute to the preservation or restoration of any beautiful remains which may be in danger of perishing. In short, we hope to be of very great use, and to accomplish a great deal, in the way of Architectural improvement, from the measuring the height of a shaft, or the indentions of a moulding—to the restoration of the west front, or even the whole of Lichfield Cathedral; if only the Dean and Chapter will accept our services, and the Diocese will place twenty or thirty thousand Pounds at our disposal. Who can say what may not be accomplished by perseverance? Meanwhile the object of the Institution will not be missed, if only by promoting inquiry into these very important matters, we contribute to call attention to the beautiful memorials of times past, and to render the new churches of this Diocese, in any degree, more seemly and reverential,—more fitted for Christian worship,—and more worthy of Him to Whom they are consecrated.