Page:The folk-tales of the Magyars.djvu/76

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XXXV. The World's Beautiful Woman - 163
Notes - 395
XXXVL The Girl without Hands 182
Notes _ 397
XXXVIL The King and the Devil - 188
Notes - 397
XXXVIIL The Three Princes, &c. - - 196
Notes - - - 399
XXXIX.- The Widower and his Daughter - - 207
Notes - - 401
XL. The Wishes- - 217
Notes - - _ 402
XLL The Two Orphans - - 220
Notes --____ 402
XLII. The Wonderful Frog - - 224
Notes _ 404
XLIIL The Devil and the Red Cap - - 225
Notes - _ 405
XLIV. Jack Dreadnought- - 228
Notes _ 405
XLV. The Secret keeping Little Boy - 232
Notes - _ 406
XLVL Shepherd Paul - 244
Notes ^ 407
XL VII. The Pelican - _ 250
Notes _ 409
XL VIII. The Girl with Golden Hair - - 262
Notes _ 413
XLIX. The Lover's Ghost - - 278
Notes _ 416
L. Snake Skin - - 282
Notes - - 417
LI. The Fairies' Well - - - - 288
Notes - _ 4is
LII. The Crow's Nest ----__ 298
Notes - 418
LIII. Woman's Curiosity _ 301
Notes _ 421
INDEX - ---..__ 423