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Page:The food of the Gods - A Popular Account of Cocoa.djvu/199

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It is imperative that all particulars at head of form, which will bear a distinctive number, should be carefully filled in. If this is not complied with no notice will be taken of suggestions. Forms may be taken from the book and filled up at home.

All suggestions will be acknowledged by a notice posted on the boards once a week, giving a list of the printed numbers on the suggestion forms received for consideration.

Should any number not appear in this list a communication should at once be sent to the Secretary.

Those who have left the employ of the firm are entitled to prizes for any suggestions made whilst they were here, unless they should leave through misconduct.

The suggestions are considered weekly by the committees with a member of the firm, and are dealt with in the order in which they are received. They are finally judged by the firm at the end of May and November, and prizes distributed before the summer holidays and at the Christmas gathering.

Every effort is made by the committees to keep the names of the suggestors strictly private.