… fome[1] of cury[2] was compiled of the chef Maist᷒ Cok᷒ of kyng Richard the Secunde kyng of .nglond[4] aftir the Conqueſt. the which was acon̄ted þe[5] beſt and ryalleſt vyand[6] of alle cſtē . yng᷒[3] and it was cōpiled by aſſent and
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 This is a kind of Preamble to the Roll. A space is left for the initial word, intended to be afterwards written in red ink, and preſumed to be Ðis. Fome, the lineola over it being either canſually omitted, or ſince obliterated, means form, written Foume below, and in № 195.
- ↑ Cury. Cookery. We have adopted it in the Title. V Preface.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 cſtē .ynges. Chriſtian kings. K being to be inſerted afterwards (v. note [1] and [4]) in red ink. Chaucer, v. chriſten.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 ynglond. E was intended to be prefixed in red ink. Vide Note [1] and [3].
- ↑ þ. This Saxon letter with the power of th, is unſed almoſt perpetually in our Roll and the Editor's Mſ. Every one may not have adverted to it; but this character is the ground of our preſent abbreviations ye the, yꞇ that, ys this, &c. the y in these caſes being evidently only an altered and more modern way of writing þ.
- ↑ vyānd. This word is to be underſtood in the concrete, quaſi vyander, a curious epicure, an Apicius. V. Preface.