Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/107

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gentlemen composing that committee, transmitting for his consideration a copy of the draft of a proposed charter to carry into effect the objects of the association.

"I am to express Mr, Stanley's regret that you were prevented from being present at a conference which took place between a deputation from that committee and himself on January 31st, on which occasion Mr. Stanley communicated his general views upon the subject, and his objections to the plan then proposed to him.

"Mr. Stanley has since been led to believe that a minute of the discussion which took place at that conference has been made, and has been circulated amongst the members of the provisional committee. As no draft of any such minute has been brought under Mr. Stanley's notice, he cannot either admit or judge of its accuracy, and he therefore desires me (in order to prevent any misconception of his views) to recapitulate to you the substance of the opinions which he expressed at that conference.

"It was agreed to postpone the consideration of the evidence which might be in the possession of the parties as to the fitness or unfitness of the particular tract selected for the purpose of settlement, until it should have been ascertained how far the political views of the proposed company, and their project of colonisation, might meet the concurrence of the Secretary of State. With reference to this point, and reserving the former question to be thereafter discussed, Mr. Stanley, in conforming with the views he entertained in August last, and which were communicated to you in his memorandum of the 22nd of that month, declared himself willing, unless prevented by any express or implied stipulation with the Australian Agricultural Company, to treat with a body of persons associated as a company, with an adequate subscribed capital, for the sale to such company of a large quantity of land in South Australia, at the price of 5s. per acre, with the understanding that