Mr. George Grote to Mr. Egbert Gouger.
"January 26th, 1835.
"Dear Sir,
"I am sorry to have to communicate to you that I still feel decidedly unwilling to act as a commissioner under the South Australian Colony Act. The reasons which induced me to retract the consent which I had given under the Melbourne Ministry have not been diminished in force by subsequent consideration.
"My opinions on the usefulness and practicability of the enterprise have undergone no change. But my feelings and position with regard to the present government are such as would make it unsatisfactory, both to them and to myself, that I should undertake a responsible duty under them.
"With every wish for the prosperity of the colony, and for the maintenance of those principles on which it rests its claim to support,
"I remain, dear Sir,
"Yours truly,
"Geo. Grote.
"Robert Gouger, Esq."