Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/70

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When the idea of starting "The South Australian Association" forced itself on Mr. Gouger's mind, he was anxious to proceed at once to its formation, and as a preliminary step to call a public meeting in order to make the matter known. He went so far as to obtain the promise of many influential men to attend it, and his labours were incessant in working up an interest in the new movement; but, as Christmas was near at hand, it was decided to postpone the meeting until the Kew Year, he guaranteeing to prepare in the meantime a sketch of the prospectus, and others of the temporary sub-committee to prepare evidence as to the soil and general capabilities of the colony.

A few extracts from the Journal will show his activity towards the close of this year of disappointment and fruitless labour.

"November 28th, 1833.— Saw Mr. Pottinger, a gentleman introduced by Mr. Richard Norman, and who is anxious to go to Australia, lie proposes to take out with him about sixty families from Ireland, residents on his estates there, and about £20,000. "December 5th.—The sub-committee appointed to