Page:The founding of South Australia.djvu/81

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the South Coast of Australia, and communicating with and promoting concert amongst those who may propose to be the first settlers in the new colony.

"It is desired that the Charter of Incorporation may contain provisions (amongst others) to the following effect:

"I. The colony to be erected into a province under the name of South Australia, extending from the 132nd to the 141st degree of east longitude, and from the south coast, including the adjacent islands, to the tropic of Capricorn.

"II. The whole of the territory within the above limits to be open to settlement by British subjects.

"III. Provided that within the said limits, no waste or public land shall become private property, save by one means only: viz., by purchase at a fixed minimum price, or as much above that price as the competition of public auction may determine.

"IV. Provided also that, subject to the above restriction, and to the necessity of previous surveys, all persons, whether residing in the colony or Great Britain, shall be free to acquire property in waste or public land, in fee, and without limit, either as to quantity or situation.

"V. That the management of the surveys and sales of waste or public land be confided to a responsible Board, with the best provisions for constant publicity in their proceedings.[1]

"VI. The Corporation of Trustees to have authority for enabling individuals, whether residing in Britain or in the colony, to subscribe money into a joint stock for the purpose of buying waste or public land.[2]

  1. Considering that the power over the proportion between the inhabitants of a country and the territory at their disposal exerts a most important influence on the value of land, capital, and labour, complete responsibility and publicity appear quite necessary.
  2. This provision will, it is conceived, be most useful. "Without some such provision, either the Corporation of Trustees must, in order to the commodious laying out of the first town and of roads, whereby to connect it with the interior, become a Land Com-