Page:The genius - Carl Grosse tr Joseph Trapp 1796.djvu/439

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loaded his Caroline with numberless acts of blandishment.

"A few weeks," continued Adela, "after you had sent us notice of your departure for Venice, a stranger came to the convent, and: demanded admittance to the parlor, alledging that she had a letter of the utmost importance to deliver to me. Her request was granted and she put the following: epistle into my hands:


"Since the death of Bernardos, which the Covenant you belong to is resolved to avenge, I have been informed by a friend of the place of your retreat at Seville, My respect for your husband, whom I once loved, makes me forget the injury he has done me, and I now put it in your power to save his life and that of Count Selami, his friend, whose spouse, I understand, also shares your fate.

"Don Carlos is gone to Venice, and next week, three members of the Cabal will set out for the same place charged with the