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Page:The gloria d'amor of Fra Rocabertí (1916).djvu/153

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[Names of persons of doubtful or unknown identity are marked with a (?); the editor's conjectures regarding each of these will be found in the note corresponding to the verse in which the name occurs.]

Abido, 1145.
Absalon, 242.
Acchilles, 563, 570.
Adam, 79.
Affrico, 1130, 1133.
Agamenon, 243.
Alespont, see Elespont.
Amazona (la reyna Amazona), 539
Amor, passim.
Andromacha, 1123.
Anteo, 1119.
Antiotxa, 692.
Apollo, Caption I, 29.
Arcita, 1407, 1410.
Ardolies (?), 792, 802.
Arnau Daniel, 1247.
Artus (Rey Artus), 78, 1126.
Asdrubal, 710.

Beatrice, 770.
Beatriu de Montferrat, 1220.
Bellesa (personified), 478.
Bellviure, see Pau de Bellviure.
Bernat del Ventadorn, 1258, 1262, 1271.
Blanxaflor, 1213.
Blaya, see Joffre de Blaya.
Briseyda, 587, 608.
Bruges (?), 1210.

Calcas, 608 (gloss).
Capestany, see Guillem de Capestany.
Centauro, 590.
Cesto, 1164, 1191.
Ciphas, 711.
Cipio, 695, 719.
Citarea, 13, 353.
Claudia Quinta, Prol. 57.
Cleopatra, 1424, 1454.
Complanta (Ma Complanta) (?), 1209.
Compte de Luna, 1427.
Comptessa de Feba (?), 1425, 1463.
Comptessa de Tripol, 1231.
Conaxença (Conaxensa, Conexença), 281, 329, 350, 512, 635, 663, 727, 745, 788, 865, 1061, 1160, 1222, 1282, 1315, 1321, 1420, 1532.
Cupido, Prol. 111, 115; 12; Caption II; 110, 467, 796, 1010, 1246, 1285, 1312.
Cuyna, see Lorenç de Cuyna.

Dama Sans Marci, 392.
Dampnes, Prol. 95; 1250.
Daniel, see Arnau Daniel.
Dant, 770, 1208.
Dares, 537.
Dari, 1175.
Deport (personified), 476.
Deu (Deus), 359, 377, 606, 1215, 1453, 1511.
Diana, 89.
Dido, 90, 630, 1356, 1408.