Page:The headswoman with illustrations in colour and woodcuts.djvu/80

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The Headswoman

"Do I understand that you still claim your bonus?"

Jeanne felt like water in his strong embrace; but she nerved herself to answer, faintly but firmly, "Yes!"

"Then so do I," he replied, as his lips met hers.

Executions continued to occur in St. Radegonde; the Radegundians being conservative and very human. But much of the innocent enjoyment that formerly attended them departed after the fair Chatelaine had ceased to officiate. Enguerrand, on succeeding to the post, wedded Clairette, she being (he was heard to say) a more suitable match in mind and temper than others of whom he would name no names. Rumour had it, that he found his match and something over; while as for temper—and mind (which