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The Heart of Monadnock

subtle harmonies which one must look closely to observe, for at the first glance they look dun-brown. Only those that have eyes may see.

The loiterer rose and glancing around, slowly headed his way towards the Black Precipice and the Amphitheatre trail. . . In one of the little hollows he saw ahead of him what looked like a moving bunch of brownish leaves. It was a porcupine, waddling unconcernedly along with its whitish-brown quills folded down peaceably. The observer had never seen one so far up here before and he followed its ungainly course for a little distance with much interest, till quite undisturbed by his proximity it finished its daily exercise and retired to its rock fastness. Two or three quills lay on the ground near and the observer lifted them with an interest that was always fresh. What marvellous things were these hollow quills with their points of needle fineness!