been over the edge for sure! He'd gotten off the path first in that gamblin' business. Was lately married and it was more expensive business than he thought She was a good little thing, but inexperienced. What could you expect? Made money first. Easy money. Then, of course, he began to lose. Old story. Couldn't get out of the tangle, as I said. Handled firm's money—was a good bookkeeper—easy for him to juggle things a bit Yet strange to say, he wasn't prison-fodder—not a bit of it Just nothin' but lost. Frightened to death. Then the little wife. He adored her and she got appendicitis, and it all got worse. Had to have money—and he played again, hopin' to win. You can guess! See?"
The listener nodded, watching him intently.
"Mighty nice lad!" reminiscently. "Well, I had him in my office—and—well—it all came out. Kinder sullen, at first. Kinder bitter." The fat, red face grew more eager till it fairly shone, but he did not dwell on