Page:The history of medieval Europe.djvu/701

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The more important passages are indicated by heavy type. Semi-colons denote a change of subject

  • Aachen, 88, 209, 212-13, 271, 398
  • Aargau, 542
  • Abacus, 375
  • Abano, see Peter of
  • Abbas, 180
  • Abbassid dynasty, 180, 184, 198, 309, 549
  • Abbot, 161-63, 264, 361, 481, 484, 534; and see Monasticism
  • Abd-er-Rahman I, 180
  • Abd-er-Rahman III, 180, 188-89
  • Abel, 97
  • Abelard, 379-83, 396
  • Absolution, papal, 297; and see Indulgences
  • Absolutism, 28-30, 70, 131, 187, 199, 209, 459, 469, 49o, 572, chap. xxxiii
  • Abu-Bekr, 180
  • Abyssinia, 138, 174, 393, 609
  • Academic degrees, 378, 389
  • Academic dress, 392
  • Academy of Plato, 380
  • Accolade, 252
  • Acre, 321-23
  • Adam, 3
  • Adam of Bremen, 376
  • Adelard of Bath, 383-84, 388
  • Adige River, 342
  • Administration, Roman, 27, 70-71, 256; survives barbarian invasions, 86, 117, 121, 154; influences ecclesiastical organization, 1 14-15; Byzantine, 131, 135; reformed by Justinian, 140-41; Frankish, 203, 205, 256; Flemish municipal, 365; university, 391; papal, 434; of Frederick II in Sicily, 469-70; Anglo-Norman, 474; Capetian, 491-92, 507-10, 519; in German principalities, 615; Spanish, 631
  • Admiralty, courts of, 336
  • Adolf of Nassau, 538, 541
  • Adrianople, battle of, 75-76, 80, 88; taken by Turks, 556
  • Adriatic Sea, 12, 17, 53, 80, 118, 226, 308, 314, 341-43, 345, 353, 442, 583
  • Advowson, 282
  • Ægean Sea, 17, 19, 21, 26, 34, 54, 229, 465, 553-54
  • Ægidius, 88
  • Æneas, 97, 407
  • Æneas Sylvius, see Pope Pius II

  • Æneid, 412
  • Æschylus, 21, 24, 65
  • Æthiopia, 138
  • Æthiopic, 407
  • Aëtius, 83-86, 88
  • Africa, 19, 40, 114, 188-90, 633; circumnavigation of, 15, 394-95, 608-11; trade with central, 20, 34, 184
  • Africa, North, 10, 14, 19-20, 23; Roman, 33-36, 39, 66, 68, 75, 79-81, 83, 86; Christian, 95-96, III; Vandal, chap, vii, 128; Byzantine, 135-39, 150, 155, 157; Mohammedan, 178, 180, 182, 188, 190, 209, 216, 226, 229, 298, 302, 313, 328, 357, 376, 633
  • Africa, of Petrarch, 588
  • Agesilaus, 21
  • Agincourt, battle of, 526
  • Agriculture, Roman, 36-37; monastic, 162-63; Scandinavian, 217; manorial, 233-37; of Slavs, 305; medieval, 320, 327, 336, 358, 362, 364, 367-68, 486, 515-16, 631
  • Aidan, 166
  • Aimeri, Viscount of Thouars, 508
  • Aistulf, King of the Lombards, 196-97
  • Aix-la-Chapelle, see Aachen
  • Alamanni, 75, 79, 88-90, 119, 122, 136, 166-67, 194, 213
  • Alamannia, 212; and see Suabia
  • Alani, 75-77, 79, 81, 91, 117
  • Alaric I, King of the West Goths, 79-82, 92, 95, 112, 115, 122, 291
  • Alaric II, 122
  • Alava, 304
  • Alba, 404
  • Albania, 151, 554
  • Albert the Bear, Margrave of Brandenburg, 305
  • Albert I, of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor, 538
  • Albert II, 540, 571
  • Alberti, Leon Battista, 599
  • Albertus Magnus, 385-86, 451
  • Albi, 442