Parnell, C. S., 282
Pauncefote, Sir Julian (afterwards Lord), 295
Peel, General, 248, 255
Penjdeh incident, the, 281
Pepys, Samuel, 208, 209, 225
Percy, Sir Henry. See Northumberland, Earl of.
Perrot, Sir John, in, 112
Peterborough, Earl of, 230, 231
Philip III. of Spain, 126, 127
Philipp, Sir David, 7, 9
Philopatris, n
Pitt, William, 306, 307
Port Arthur, 295, 296
Portugal, Convention with (1890), 289, 290
Poyntz, Isabella, Marchioness of Exeter, 142
Prior, Matthew, 136
Puckering, Sir Thomas, 126
Purbeck, Viscount, 101
Quarterly Review, the, 249 251, 255, 257, 275, 305
RALEIGH, Sir Walter, 150 152, 166, 167, 179 184 Raleigh, Lady, 181, 182 Redgrave, Richard, 244, 245
Reform and Reform Bills, 250, 251, 254 257, 261 Rich, Anne, Lady, Countess of Exeter, 133, 136 Richmond, Duke of, 298 Ridolfi Plot, the, 49 Robsart, Amy, 38
Rochester, Robert Carr, Viscount, 189 Roos, Lord. See Cecil.
Roos, Elizabeth Manners, Lady, Countess of Exeter, 121, 122 Roos, Joan, 9 Rosebery, Lord, 290, 301 Ross, Bishop of, 51
Russell, Lord John (afterwards Earl), 251, 254, 261 Russell, John, Lord, 20
Russell, Lady (Elizabeth Cooke), 20, 156, 157, 168, 217 Russia, war with Turkey, 268 ; in the Far East, 295, 296 ; agree- ment with (1899), 296 Rutland, Edward, third Earl of, 121 Rutland, John, fourth Earl of, 125 note
SALISBURY, Earls and Marquesses of. See Cecil.
Salisbury Circular, the, 270
Salisbury House, 242
Samoa Convention, 295
San Stefano, Treaty of, 268, 270, 272
Saturday Review, the, 249
Scudamore, Viscount, 134
Seycelds, the, of Allt yr Ynys, 4 6
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 131
Sheffield, Lord, 199, 218
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