who now illustrate with such faint lines and aim at such fragile effects.
A collection in book form of his political and topical illustrations, which had appeared in Le Figaro were republished under the title "Doux Pays."
The number of L' Album devoted to Forain contains able sketches, done in wash and chalk, which are stronger in effect, although incomplete looking; and bear the impress of having been dashed off at great speed while the inspiration lasted. A very subtle drawing of the nude, entitled, The Tub, however, is included in the number, as well as some strongly indicated work in colour.
Forain's work has been widely published; we have seen it in Nous, Vous, Eux, in Le Figaro, in Les Femmes, il n'y a qu' ça, Le Courrier Français, L' Indiscret, Le Rire, in L' Assiette au Beurre, in The Studio, and elsewhere.
He has done bold poster work, Le Salon du Cycle, La Parisienne du Siécle, &c.; and he did a series of splendid up-to-date designs for a mosaic frieze, which was inserted in the front of a boulevard restaurant some few years back.
To Le Rire he has been a pillar of strength; and this journal has called forth some of his best efforts, generally drawn in with crayon or brush, and completed with a wash of two or three such faint colours as grey-green and pale brick-colour, being