Page:The international development of China (IA developmentchina00suny).pdf/22

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that turn out cannon can easily be made to turn out steam rollers for the construction of roads in China. The workshops that turn out tanks can be made to turn out trucks for the transportation of the raw materials that are lying everywhere in China. And all sorts of warring machinery can be converted into peaceful tools for the general development of China's latent wealth. The Chinese people will welcome the development of our country's resources provided that it can be kept out of Mandarin corruption and ensure the mutual benefit of China and of the countries coöperating with us.

It might be feared by some people in Europe and America that the development of China by war machinery, war organization and technical experts might create unfavorable competition to foreign industries. I, therefore, propose a scheme to develop a new market in China big enough both for her own products and for products from foreign countries. The scheme will be along the following lines:

I. The Development of a Communications System.

(a) 100,000 miles of Railways.
(b) 1,000,000 miles of Macadam Roads.
(c) Improvement of Existing Canals.
(1) Hangchow-Tientsin Canals.
(2) Sikiang-Yangtze Canals.
(d) Construction of New Canals.
(1) Liaoho-Sunghwakiang Canal.
(2) Others to be projected.